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Articles of association - PDA Aargau

PDA Aargau

Statutes of the Aargau Labor Party

Original version of November 23, 2021
The statutes were written in German. Translations may contain errors.


Art. 1 – General

The Aargau Labor Party is constituted as an association in accordance with Articles 60-79 of the Swiss Civil Code (ZGB).

It is the Aargau section of the Swiss Labor Party.

The seat of the Aargau Labor Party is Buchs AG.

Art. 2 – Self-understanding

The Aargau Labor Party supports self-determined actions in the fight for a better world. So our motto is not: “We’ll take care of it for you.” Our attitude is: «Take your future into your own hands! Analyze your situation, organize and mobilize!» And we want to support each other in solidarity.

Art. 3 – Purpose

The purpose of the Aargau Labor Party is to implement the following goals:

We are committed to ensuring that…

  • …the causes of global environmental problems are tackled consistently and the ruthless exploitation of nature is stopped.
  • … all genders are equal and no form of hostility towards other genders or sexual orientation is tolerated.
  • … the exploitation of people by people will stop and the work of many will no longer lead to the wealth of a few, but to the prosperity of all.
  • … social diversity is seen as an advantage, that every form of racism is fought and no violence against minorities is tolerated, be it because of their origin, their health, their religion or their ideology.
  • … disarmament is practiced and international solidarity is cultivated so that peace is restored worldwide.
  • … every person and every type of work that contributes to the well-being of the community is recognized as equal and democratic co-determination is extended to companies and homes.

These goals are in line with the statutes of the Swiss Labor Party, which also apply to the Aargau Labor Party and its members.

No member can be forced to change the purpose of the association (ZGB Art. 74).

Art. 4 – Stimmprozedere

The grassroots voting procedure described below is used for all votes within the Aargau Labor Party:

Every decision is preceded by a debate. All members are invited to participate.

The right to vote can be exercised from the age of 16.

Unless otherwise specified, resolutions are passed with a majority of votes, with an open, simple show of hands of the voters.

If there is a vote and a tenth of those entitled to vote request it, the resolution is passed secretly.

In addition, the majority of those entitled to vote can request that the following rule be applied instead of a simple vote:

Fuzzy decision: Each person entitled to vote receives several votes. If there are three items on a resolution, each person will receive two votes, if there are four or more items on the resolution, everyone will receive three votes.

Art. 5 – Election procedures

The grassroots democratic election procedure described below is used for elections within the Aargau Labor Party.

Each election is preceded by a discussion in which questions can be asked of the persons standing for election. All members are invited to participate.

Active and passive voting rights can be exercised from the age of 16.

Elections are usually secret.

In addition, the majority of those entitled to vote can request that one of the following regulations be applied instead of a simple vote:

Random principle: The persons standing for election are determined at random (lottery).

Fuzzy voting: Each voter receives multiple votes. In the case of three persons standing for election, each person entitled to vote receives two votes, in the case of four or more persons standing for election, each person receives three votes. In addition, each person can pass on the votes they have received to other persons standing for election. This is usually when she received too few votes or more votes than needed. This election procedure ensures that no vote is lost.

A term of office lasts 2 years. A maximum of two terms of office may be taken up in succession. At the end of the period in which a person held an office, they are temporarily banned from this office (rotation principle).

Each delegate can be voted out of office at any time by the body that elected him/her (Art. 3b of the statutes of the PdA Switzerland).


Art. 6 – Admission of members

A member of the Aargau Labor Party is anyone who applies for membership and is accepted by the Board of Directors, provided that they carry out their duties.

Membership in the Labor Party excludes membership in any other Swiss political party. This also includes not allowing oneself to be put on the electoral list of another party or other political list without the express written consent of the Executive Board.

Each member of the Aargau Labor Party is affiliated with a sub-section. It may request permission to change subsections.

Art. 7 – Rights of members

Every member has the right…

  • …intervene in the base meetings and vote, elect and be elected within the framework of these statutes. In addition, it may submit proposals to any organ, instance and level of the Aargau Labor Party and the Swiss Labor Party, which must be answered as quickly as possible;
  • … within the framework of the goals of the PdA Aargau and with the verbal consent of its sub-section, to independently carry out legal actions in the name and with the logo of the PdA Aargau.
  • …for precise information about the entire political activity of the party. In this regard, it may openly express and defend its positions, express its opinions freely and also criticize decisions that have been made. If it submits suggestions, comments and criticisms, it may demand their conscientious examination.
  • … to take part in all meetings of the Aargau Labor Party and the Swiss Labor Party that have not been explicitly declared closed, even if it does not have the right to vote for the relevant meeting.
  • …if criticism is raised about his activities and his behavior as a party member, to hear this from the critics and to assert his reasons for his actions to them.

Art. 8 – Obligations of the members

Each member is required…

  • … to regularly and responsibly participate in the activities and discussions of the party according to his abilities and possibilities, to act in accordance with the decisions taken and the program and to be open and tolerant towards others;
  • … to train politically and to get to know parts of the party’s history, above all by means of the training opportunities provided by the party and its publications;
  • …to pay their membership fee regularly;
  • …to get involved as far as possible in social movements, trade unions, solidarity, environmental protection organizations or other organizations whose goals are compatible with those of our party;
  • Members of the party who hold a public office have additional duties that counteract possible misuse of their office for personal interests (see Art. 9).

Art. 9 – Obligations of the elected representatives

Members of the party holding a mandate in the legislature, executive or judiciary at the national, cantonal or municipal level are additionally obliged…

f) …to report any membership in a company/company or in its commissions or boards of directors to the party executive, which discloses this information to the members.

g) …give to the Party part of their income or compensation received in connection with the performance of their duties, in accordance with an agreement with the Board of Directors (which may be inspected by any member upon request). The guideline is that a mandate holder does not have a higher income than a skilled worker.

h) …resign from office at any time if two-thirds of the party members demand this because he/she does not keep promises made against the background of his/her election and/or violates party interests.

i) … to give an account of the exercise of their mandate to the authority of the party that put forward their candidacy (this does not apply to members of the judiciary, who must maintain official secrecy).

j) …if they are national deputies, also report to the Central Committee of the Swiss Labor Party.

Art. 10 – Membership fee

The membership fee to be paid is not less than 0.05 percent of his net annual income (according to self-declaration).

As an example: an employee who is paid 5,000 francs per month and does not receive a thirteenth month’s wages should transfer at least 30 francs to the party each year. The easiest way to do this is to calculate:
5’000 times 12 (=60’000), divided by 1’000 (=60) divided by 2 (=30).

Those who are financially able are asked to pay a multiple of this at their own discretion.

If a member reports problems in being able to pay its minimum subscription, the Board of Directors can determine the membership subscription for the respective member individually.

In general, it can be said that active and constructive work in the party is at least as important as the membership fee.

The membership fee is paid to the subsections. They pass on a flat rate of CHF 20 per member to the cash register of the cantonal section per year. If a sub-section does not have its own cash register, the entire membership fee is transferred to the cantonal section.

The cantonal section, in turn, forwards the fixed amount per member to the fund of the Swiss Labor Party.

Art. 11 – Disciplinary measures

Disciplinary measures are:

  • Warning;
  • Reference;
  • dismissal of individual or all functions in the party;
  • pause of individual rights or the entire membership;
  • expulsion from the party.

The exclusion is a serious measure and may only be decided after a discussion with the person concerned. It is the responsibility of the Disciplinary Committee and can only be pronounced either in writing or orally after a hearing has been granted. The Disciplinary Commission shall set a reasonable deadline for exercising this right.

The decision to exclude has immediate effect. Each base assembly has the opportunity to lodge a complaint within thirty days of the announcement of the decision. The appeal has no suspensive effect. Expulsion can also be pronounced by a general meeting under the same conditions, but without an appeal. The warning and reprimand follow the same procedure but without an appeal.

Art. 12 – Termination of membership

Membership ends with a written declaration of resignation to the board, with expulsion (see Art. 11) or with the death of the member.


Art. 13 – Organs

The organs of the Aargau Labor Party are:

a) the basic meetings. These are

  • the cantonal annual meeting
  • the cantonal general meeting
  • the general meetings of the subsections

b) the party executive including the (cantonal) political secretariat and the person responsible for finance

c) the members’ meetings of the sub-sections

d) the working groups

e) the Revision Committee

f) the Disciplinary Committee

g) the supervision of the assembly (divan)

Art. 14 – Annual Cantonal Assembly

The cantonal annual meeting is the supreme organ of the party. It is open to all members of the Aargau Labor Party.

It is convened at least once a year. It is also convened if one fifth of the members request it (ZGB Art. 64, Para. 3).

The cantonal annual meeting
a) determines the political line of the party
b) elects the Board of Directors and the Disciplinary Committee.
c) determines the auditors (if this becomes necessary according to ZGB Art. 69b)
d) determines the membership fee
e) examines and approves the annual reports and accounts.

These powers are exclusive.

The board is accountable to the annual meeting.

If at least one third of the participants in the annual meeting or the party members get together, they can submit the resolutions of the annual meeting to a general vote, a referendum.

The provisional agenda of the cantonal annual meeting is communicated to the members six weeks before the date of the meeting. The agenda items are communicated to the members one month in advance.

The convening of the extraordinary annual general meeting only requires a period of 10 days. Proposals for the items on the agenda can then be made directly at the meeting.

Art. 15 – Cantonal General Assembly

The cantonal general meeting can be convened by the board (usually by the political secretariat) if there is a reason to do so.

She deals with current business of the party between the annual meetings.

All members are invited to attend the cantonal general meetings.

Art. 16 – Subsections

The Aargau Labor Party includes sub-sections that recognize and comply with these statutes.

The Aargau Labor Party includes sub-sections that recognize and abide by these statutes. Each sub-section is characterized by a specific characteristic that distinguishes it from other sub-sections. Possible characteristics are for example:

  • Place of residence in a specific geographic region, municipality, neighborhood, or settlement;
  • Activity in a specific industry or a specific company;

The sub-sections are autonomous within the framework of the statutes of the Aargau Labor Party and the Swiss Labor Party. Within this framework, they can give themselves their own statutes, which are also valid for the members of this subsection. Among other things, it can be decided that the sub-section runs its own fund and forwards the flat-rate contribution (see Art. 10) to the fund of the Aargau Labor Party.

The division of the section areas is carried out by the Board of Directors. In addition, 10 or more members have the right to form their own sub-section.

The tasks of the sub-sections are political discussion and education, the formation of opinions and the implementation of party activities. All members of the sub-section are invited to participate.

Sub-sections have the authority to solve problems in their area of responsibility and are responsible for implementing the decisions of the cantonal bodies.

The sub-sections hold their own general meetings at least four times a year.

Each sub-section proposes at least three of its members for election to the board at the annual meeting. Among them, several genders must be represented.

The sub-sections may independently elect deputies to vote in place of the elected delegates at board meetings when the delegates of their section are not present.

The board of the Aargau Labor Party can support new or small sections in their work if a budget is presented. In addition, he can support all sub-sections in major projects of cantonal interest.

Art. 17 – Board of Directors

The Board consists of a minimum of one and a maximum of two delegates per sub-section. A sub-section is only entitled to two delegates if it consists of 10 or more members. If a sub-section has two delegates on the board, they must be of different genders.

Only those who have been nominated for election by their sub-section can be elected to the Executive Board.

The Executive Board elects the members of the political secretariat and the person responsible for finance from among its members.

The Board of Directors usually meets monthly. He is responsible for the political and administrative management of the party between sessions of the cantonal general assembly. The members are regularly informed by the Executive Board about the decisions made and the subject of the discussions.

All party members are entitled to participate in the meetings without the right to vote.

The Board of Directors has the following duties and powers:

  • It decides on the political and organizational business of the Aargau Labor Party.
  • He compiles the budget proposal for the attention of the annual meeting.
  • It decides on financial issues within the framework of the budget.
  • He can decide voting slogans.
  • He convenes the cantonal annual meeting and, if he decides to do so, the cantonal general meetings, and prepares them.
  • He independently organizes and finances working groups.
  • It can decide on the suspensive effect of a resolution.
  • He divides the subsections.
  • It decides on the admission of new members and allocates them to a sub-section.
  • Towards the outside, the board of directors has a representative role.

The board of directors can delegate decision-making on matters that fall within its area of responsibility to the cantonal annual meeting or general meeting.

The executive board has a quorum at convened executive board meetings if at least 50 percent of the executive board members are present.

Art. 18 – Secretariat

The Political Secretariat is composed of at least two members of the Executive Board. One gender must not make up more than half.

The secretariat manages the day-to-day affairs of the party between meetings of the executive board. The secretariat proposes the agenda.

Art. 19 – The financial officer

The board of directors appoints the financial officer, who consists of one member of the board of directors.

The person responsible for finance reports regularly to the Executive Board on the status of the finances and announces the financial obligations.

The cantonal fund is financed by a) the contributions of the members of the Aargau Labor Party, or the lump sums (cf. Art. 10), b) Donations, legacies, collections and proceeds from events.

Art. 20 – Revisionskommission

The audit commission is elected by the canton’s annual meeting and consists of two auditors and two deputies.

The audit commission is convened when the law requires that the bookkeeping must be properly audited (ZGB Art. 69b).

Art. 21 – Disciplinary Committee

The cantonal general meeting appoints the disciplinary committee. This consists of at least two people of different genders. Board members cannot be elected to the Disciplinary Committee.

Art. 22 – Supervision of the meeting (Divan)

At the beginning of each basic meeting, the meeting supervisor is elected from the people currently assembled. This consists of at least two people of different genders. Board members cannot be elected to oversee the meeting.

The Assembly Supervisor is responsible for ensuring the discipline of debates and compliance with the Statutes.


Art. 23 – Media of the party

The official Internet address of the party is pda-ag.ch.

Important information (e.g. the invitation to basic meetings of the cantonal section) will be sent by e-mail.

In addition, there is a chat in the Signal app, which is considered the official communication platform. Upon request, each member will be invited to the chat.

Only members of the board of directors and certain working groups have administration rights to the website, the communication platform, and authorized access to the e-mail server.

If information of public interest is to be published in a newspaper, the newspapers going forward (vorwaerts.ch) and/or gauche hebdo (gauchebdo.ch) are usually taken into account.

The Aargau Labor Party maintains profiles on social media. Only members of the Media Working Group (“Media Group”) are authorized to post on the Official Profiles.

Art. 24 – Logo

The logo shown at the top of these statutes is the official logo of the Aargau Labor Party.

The logo may only be changed by a cantonal basic assembly. A two-thirds majority is required for this.

With the verbal consent of its sub-section, each member may use the logo, parts or variants thereof, for public appearances and campaigns (on the internet or in print), as long as this is done within the framework of the aims of the Aargau Labor Party (see Art. 3).


Art. 25 – Amendments to the Articles of Association

Amendments to these bylaws must be approved by a two-thirds majority at the annual meeting.

Art. 26 – Dissolution of the party

The dissolution or merger with other political forces can only take place after deliberations at an annual meeting convened for this purpose. The annual meeting may decide to consult all members by correspondence. The dissolution or merger can only be decided with the approval of two-thirds of the participants at the annual meeting, or two-thirds of the paying members in the case of a postal vote.

The dissolution will take effect one year after the resolution. During this period, the assets or balance will be frozen and placed under the responsibility of the Executive Board of the Swiss Labor Party. The year should be used to set up a foundation or to participate in a foundation that meets the needs of the party. At the end of the period, the assets will be paid into the foundation unless they were required to restart the section.

Art. 27 – Transitional provisions

These statutes come into force as soon as the Swiss Labor Party has recorded its conformity. The board of directors is responsible for doing this and then forwarding the articles of association to the commercial register.

The PdA Aargau starts with the two subsections Brugg and Lenzburg.