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PDA Aargau


Work is a fundamental right for all people, as social wealth is based on work. Every job is important and worth the same. We want to end the exploitation of man by man. We are fighting for higher wages, shorter working hours, the introduction of a new labor law and a labor court.

We specifically demand:

  • The right to work
  • The introduction of a minimum living wage of at least 4500 francs (24.75 francs per hour) and a minimum wage for trainees that increases with each year of apprenticeship
  • The introduction of maximum wages +
  • The introduction of a statutory 13th month wage for everyone
  • The introduction of the 35-hour week with full staff and wage compensation
  • A maximum working time of 8 hours per day
  • A siphoning off of added value from profits in the context of industrialization 4.0
  • No extension of shop opening times and opening times of a maximum of 11 hours per day
  • The abolition of precarious working relationships through the expansion of protection against dismissal for everyone, the right to reintegration at work and the ban on temporary work and on-call work
  • The right to professional development financed by the company
  • The development of safety and health protection in the workplace and the right of workers to elect the safety inspectors in the workplace
  • More unannounced controls by labor inspectorates and stricter sanctions in the event of violations
  • The introduction of works councils with a full right of co-determination
  • The right of wage earners to assemble during working hours
  • The constitutional right to strike
  • Financial and legal consequences for companies that do not comply with equal pay
  • The prohibition of dismissals without good cause
  • The ban on bonuses for companies that issue layoffs
  • The active fight against wage dumping and subcontracting
    The ban on bogus self-employment, such as with companies like Uber. The employment relationships are to be regulated in accordance with labor law and the associated rights of employees
  • Stop discrimination in recruitment
  • The recognition of burnout as an occupational disease

The ban on free long-term internships

And we will not rest …

until, with the socialist society, work does not serve wealth less through the exploitation of people and nature, but rather the prosperity of all!