Work is a fundamental right for all people, as social wealth is based on work. Every job is important and worth the same. We want to end the exploitation of man by man. We are fighting for higher wages, shorter working hours, the introduction of a new labor law and a labor court.
We specifically demand:
- The right to work
- The introduction of a minimum living wage of at least 4500 francs (24.75 francs per hour) and a minimum wage for trainees that increases with each year of apprenticeship
- The introduction of maximum wages +
- The introduction of a statutory 13th month wage for everyone
- The introduction of the 35-hour week with full staff and wage compensation
- A maximum working time of 8 hours per day
- A siphoning off of added value from profits in the context of industrialization 4.0
- No extension of shop opening times and opening times of a maximum of 11 hours per day
- The abolition of precarious working relationships through the expansion of protection against dismissal for everyone, the right to reintegration at work and the ban on temporary work and on-call work
- The right to professional development financed by the company
- The development of safety and health protection in the workplace and the right of workers to elect the safety inspectors in the workplace
- More unannounced controls by labor inspectorates and stricter sanctions in the event of violations
- The introduction of works councils with a full right of co-determination
- The right of wage earners to assemble during working hours
- The constitutional right to strike
- Financial and legal consequences for companies that do not comply with equal pay
- The prohibition of dismissals without good cause
- The ban on bonuses for companies that issue layoffs
- The active fight against wage dumping and subcontracting
The ban on bogus self-employment, for example in companies like Uber. The employment relationships are to be regulated in accordance with labor law and the associated rights of employees
- Stop discrimination in recruitment
- The recognition of burnout as an occupational disease
The ban on free long-term internships
And we will not rest …
until, with the socialist society, work does not serve wealth less through the exploitation of people and nature, but rather the prosperity of all!
Agriculture and food decisions are made today by the large multinationals and free trade agreements. We are committed to ensuring that farmers and the Swiss population can make their own decisions about the food they want to consume. We aim to drastically reduce the use of pesticides. In this way, we want to gradually achieve an agroecological Switzerland. The goal is sustainable, economical, ecological and social agriculture that replaces chemicals with biological means.
We specifically demand:
- Access to healthy, regional, sufficient food for everyone
- Diverse and organic agriculture that protects valuable natural resources, namely the soil and seeds. The renunciation of everything that harms the consumer (GMO-free etc.)
- State support so that small businesses can pay their employees at least 4500 francs per month, working 35 hours a week
- An agricultural policy that guarantees food sovereignty, determines prices and protects and promotes regional food so that farmers can live in dignity
- A production standard according to the needs of agriculture and consumers and not according to the guidelines of the EU. Logically, we want Switzerland to abandon the Cassis de Dijon principle
- An agricultural policy that promotes local production as well as direct sales and drastically restricts the import of food
- The preservation of cultivated areas, especially for field management (crop rotation), in their quantity and quality
- The end of factory farming
- Promoting consumer cooperatives who work directly with producers
- Promoting awareness of the environment and agriculture among school-age children
- Legalizing the cultivation, sale and use of cannabis
- State support for environmentally friendly agricultural cultivation methods
- Effective measures against food waste and loss
We will not rest …
until, with the socialist society, the landscape is in harmony with nature and in the service of the regional population.
The health care situation has become unbearable. The pseudo-liberal system, not to say organized fraud, i.e. the Health Insurance Act (KVG), has long since reached its limits. The premiums skyrocket year after year. The amounts to be paid are devastating for the working class. Due to the franchise system, she often has to forego basic care, especially since many of the most important treatments are not even covered. A radical change is necessary.
We specifically demand:
- A social, public and decentralized health system
- A unified health insurance fund
- Income and wealth-related premiums
- The abolition of the franchise system
- The introduction of dental insurance
- No privatization of hospitals
- The preservation of a local network for hospitals and the stop of the so-called “rationalization”, which is nothing more than a dismantling of services in the health care system
- An end to the subsidization of private patients by the state
- The nationalization of the pharmaceutical industry to allow the price of drugs to be reduced and democratic control
- Transparency about the cost of the drugs
- The end of the “black list” for health insurance companies
And we will not rest …
until a completely public and free health system is created in socialist society and access to health care is recognized and guaranteed as a right.
Living space is there for living – and not to increase the profits of property owners immeasurably. Affordable housing is a fundamental right. The quality of the home is closely related to the quality of life and health.
We specifically demand:
- The right to housing; affordable housing for everyone
- The end of evictions
- The state control of rents with a rent upper limit: every apartment is recorded, every apartment has a controlled price. The existing rents are to be checked
- The prohibition of speculation with housing and land
- A general right of first refusal on the tax value for municipalities and housing associations when selling real estate and building land
- The surrender of real estate to the public sector only under building law
- The nationalization and thus the democratic control of real estate
- The construction of inexpensive housing
- The abolition of deposit payments for tenants
- No privatization of apartments
- The promotion of assisted living space for people in need and easier access to it
- The support of cooperative and participatory housing projects
- Switching off electricity and water in the event of tenants’ financial difficulties must be prohibited
- A demolition ban, except for socially acceptable new construction projects
- Comprehensive protection against dismissal
- The expropriation of severely neglected buildings
We will not rest …
until the socialist society transforms private control over land into a mere right of use.
The EU serves to enforce the capitalist and imperialist interests of the rulers and large corporations. The bilateral agreements between Switzerland and the EU consolidate neoliberal policy in Switzerland. We are committed to a Europe based on values such as tolerance, solidarity, peace and anti-fascism.
We specifically demand:
- Renegotiating the bilateral agreements with the EU so that they serve the interests of the broader population
- The expansion of the accompanying measures as well as the necessary financial and human resources to ensure their implementation
- No accession of Switzerland to the EU
- Maintaining neutrality vis-à-vis the EU
- Refusing to participate actively or passively in wars and breaking off all relations with imperialist alliances such as NATO
- No framework agreements that run counter to the interests of workers and oblige Switzerland to unilaterally adopt EU rights
And we will not rest …
until a solidary and ecological Europe of peace in the interests of working people is achieved.
The causes of the environmental problems are the greedy striving for the fastest possible profit, the ruthless exploitation of nature under the dictates of big business. However, a healthy environment is everyone’s good.
We specifically demand:
- Declare the climate emergency now
- The resources necessary for life (water, electricity, heat, etc.) must remain under public control in order to guarantee their ecological use
- The immediate exit from nuclear energy and its replacement by renewable energies such as solar energy
- The nationalization and thus the democratic control of the energy companies
- Government investment in the promotion of renewable energies
- No reduction in electricity and water fees for companies
- Establish the “Green Rule” (prohibition of nature from taking more than it can give) as a mandatory requirement in the constitution
- A funding program to reduce resource consumption for individuals and companies
- The energy agreements with the EU must guarantee an environmentally friendly energy policy in Europe
- The promotion and free use of local public transport for everyone
- Shifting road traffic to rail
- The drastic reduction in pesticides and the immediate ban on glyphosate
- The withdrawal of public investment from fossil fuels
- The ban on investments by Swiss companies in fossil fuels and in opencast mines
- The fight against planned obsolescence
- The increased controls and sanctions against industrial pollution
- The tightening of social and environmental standards in the marketing of products
- Recognition and inclusion of the term “ecocide” (a crime that causes serious environmental damage) in the Criminal Code
- Measures against unnecessary packaging material
- The protection and promotion of biodiversity
- Future-oriented spatial planning in harmony with environmental protection
- No commercial advertising on public land
And we will not rest …
until the planned economy in socialist society ensures the fair distribution of goods and the security of natural resources.
The educational institutions reflect society. The tendency is to teach what can be used for the economy. This contrasts with an emancipatory education that enables us to overcome exploitation and class rule.
We specifically demand:
- An increase in state financial support for public educational institutions
- The targeted support of working class and migrant children regardless of the residence status of their parents
- The prohibition of private-sector influence on the content of research and teaching, for example through textbooks
- A democratically run school based on cooperation and collective responsibility
- Free education for everyone from crèche to graduation including vocational training
- Compulsory and free schooling for everyone up to the age of 18
- At least two days of vocational school for all trainees
- The abolition of the multi-tier school system in the compulsory elementary level in favor of the all-day comprehensive school in order to prevent premature selection
- Sex education from lower level, including LGBT questions
- The financial support of all students and trainees who need it
- More training places through the funding of state training workshops
- The expansion of the rights for trainees and their better protection
- More teachers in primary and secondary schools
- Continuous further training for teachers with the aim of better understanding the social realities of the children’s lives
- An upper limit on the number of pupils per class from daycare to the end of school
- The reduction of the teaching hours of the teachers
- Active drug, alcohol and tobacco prevention
- A denominational school
- Combating bullying in schools
- Combating sexual harassment, especially at universities, colleges and vocational schools
- Vocational training that takes account of changes in the energy sector and respect for the environment
- Targeted support for children and young people with problems and disabilities
We will not rest …
until, with the socialist society, education no longer serves economic interests, but the development of personality and society.
International solidarity is a fundamental value of the Party of Labor. We want a committed Switzerland that works to ensure that the gap between rich and poor worldwide becomes smaller. A Switzerland that is committed to peace.
We specifically demand:
- The abolition of the compulsory military service levy
- The ban on the sale of war material
- The withdrawal of all Swiss army personnel who are deployed abroad. Exceptions can be made for UN operations
- The immediate termination of military cooperation with, among others, the armies of the NATO countries, Israel and the monarchies of the Gulf States
- No Swiss participation and participation in projects for a European Army (Pesco)
- Supporting self-determination and the sovereignty of the peoples against imperialism
- Fair trade relations with developing and emerging countries as well as development cooperation amounting to at least 1 percent of Switzerland’s gross domestic product
- The recognition of the Palestinian state by the Swiss Confederation
- The end of the blockade against Cuba. The Swiss government should actively campaign for this
- The lifting of Switzerland’s illegal and illegal sanctions against Venezuela
- The ban on the manufacture, use and export of LBD-40 launchers (pistol-like device for hard rubber projectiles, among other things)
- The dismantling of weapons and army personnel as well as a cut in the army’s budget
- No new fighter jets
- The free choice of community service, which must be on an equal footing with military service, and its opening up to women
- No use of the army to maintain internal security or at the borders against the entry of migrants
- Switzerland’s whereabouts in the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)
And we will not rest …
until the danger of war is averted with the socialist society.
Without a determined and consistent fight against sexism and ideological stereotypes, social and societal changes cannot take place. It is a struggle that affects everyone, because to build a solidary society in which everyone has equal rights, everyone, trans people, queers, women and men is needed together.
We specifically demand:
- The enforcement of equal pay for women and men
- The legal obligation for companies to end the gender pay gap
- Paid parental leave of at least 18 months, divided equally into maternity and paternity leave, as well as the prohibition of dismissal if the job is resumed
- The guarantee for high quality and affordable access to crèches, kindergartens and extracurricular care up to the age of 13
- No increase in the women’s retirement age
- Implementation of the international Istanbul Convention, which defines and recognizes violence against women as a violation of human rights
- Protection against gender-based violence
- The right of every person to self-determination about their body, which in particular guarantees access to contraception and the termination of a pregnancy
- Sex education from primary school onwards, focusing in particular on gender, stereotypes and discrimination
- The abolition of value added tax (VAT) for feminine hygiene products, which are now taxed like products that are not considered to be essential goods
- Carrying out prevention campaigns against all forms of violence against women
- The development of an educational program at all school levels that respects the different gender identities
- A guarantee of financial means and resources for specific offers for women
And we will not rest …
until all gender inequalities become a relic of the capitalist past.
Racism helps maintain the capitalist balance of power. Scapegoats serve to divide workers and divert attention from the real problems of the population.
We specifically demand:
- The Swiss passport for everyone born in Switzerland
- The legalization of the Sans-Papiers, because nobody is illegal
- The criminal prosecution of any xenophobic and racist act
- A law on foreigners and asylum based on humanity and solidarity
- Switzerland’s withdrawal from the Schengen and Dublin agreements
- Adequate housing and health care for refugees
- Free movement of people for everyone
- A right to work for everyone living in Switzerland with the same pay for the same work
- Recognition as political refugees by all those people who are persecuted or imprisoned because of their sexual orientation or gender identity
- Ending the detention of refugee minors
- The legalization of homeland travel for second and third generation refugees
And we will not rest …
until, with the socialist society, racism and xenophobia are relics of a dark past.
In a class society, cultural policy also has a class character. This has to be countered by a democratic culture. Culture should serve to expand awareness. It must promote understanding of the world and dialogue between people from all walks of life. In this sense, it is an essential prerequisite for the improvement of our society. In our current system, however, culture is subject to the logic of profit and thus cannot fulfill its actual mission. We advocate a culture that is oriented towards the following main goal: development of the individual and society.
We specifically demand:
- Free access to classes in music, dance, painting and general artistic activities
- The better distribution of public money in culture
- The increased promotion of young artists by offering appropriate training opportunities and freedom
- The creation of self-managed, artistic freedom
- State funding for cultural events
- Guaranteed access to culture for everyone
- The support of the theater staff
We will not rest …
until, with the socialist society, art and culture have become a place of unrestricted, artistic development and reflection on social development.