PDA Aargau


The health care situation has become unbearable. The pseudo-liberal system, not to say organized fraud, i.e. the Health Insurance Act (KVG), has long since reached its limits. The premiums skyrocket year after year. The amounts to be paid are devastating for the working class. Due to the franchise system, she often has to forego basic care, especially since many of the most important treatments are not even covered. A radical change is necessary.

We specifically demand:

  • A social, public and decentralized health system
  • A unified health insurance fund
  • Income and wealth-related premiums
  • The abolition of the franchise system
  • The introduction of dental insurance
  • No privatization of hospitals
  • The preservation of a local network for hospitals and the stop of the so-called “rationalization”, which is nothing more than a dismantling of services in the health care system
  • An end to the subsidization of private patients by the state
  • The nationalization of the pharmaceutical industry to allow the price of drugs to be reduced and democratic control
  • Transparency about the cost of the drugs
  • The end of the “black list” for health insurance companies

And we will not rest …

until a completely public and free health system is created in socialist society and access to health care is recognized and guaranteed as a right.